
Fat Freeze

IT sounds rather gruesome, but fat freezing is a popular option for many people struggling with body fat that has been tricky to shift.

Fat freezing, or cryogenic lipolysis, is exactly like what it sounds – fat cells are frozen for a period of time in the aim to reduce them, and it’s a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.

It originated after research was done into frostbite, and it was noted that fat cells would freeze before skin freezes.

As it’s a procedure done by a professional, it can selectively target anywhere, such as tummy, thighs, or arms, so that the patient can choose their problematic areas.
Patients are required to sit for up to two hours while cooling paddles suction the skin and crystallise fat cells (more below)

Does it work?

If done safely by a professional, fat freezing can indeed help you lose fat.
However, as with many cosmetic treatments, results can vary from person to person, and it may take a few weeks or even months to notice.
Roostaeian and Manhattan-based CoolSculpting guru Jeannel Astarita told Vogue: “You get mild fat reduction—a slightly improved waistline, less bulging of any particular area that’s concerning.”

Does it help you lose weight?

Fat doesn’t weigh as much as muscle, so fat freezing won’t make you lose heaps of weight.
Although it doesn’t add up on the scale, Jeannel says: “When [you lose] what’s spilling over the top of your pants or your bra, it counts.”
However, you should still control your weight and maintain a healthy diet with plenty of exercise.

Some Of Our Personal Before & After Pictures

At Simply Beautiful we specialise in non-surgical weight loss, and fat freezing is one of the many services we offer and can work out a custom weight loss program for you.

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