ENDERMOLOGIE reactivates cellular activity by mechanically stimulating your skin (MÉCANO-STIMULATION) using a pleasant and non-aggressive technique.
Radio Frequency
Radio Frequency (RF) Treatment is a non-invasive procedure to reshape both body and face. It uses specialized devices that emit RF waves which help effectively contour the body and reduce the appearance of cellulite and fat with the use of heat energy.
Lipolysis is an innovative, gentle and nonsurgical method to remove the accumulation of fat deposits in specific regions of the body.
Power Plate
The Power Plate platform uses a consistent, safe and controlled level of vibration that moves in three directions (up and down, front and back, and side to side).
Looking for a weight loss product that really works? Our health and wellness products are based off of real science, not diet fads. Don’t believe us? Learn more about a few of our all natural products below